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2023 Spring Rally - Shipshewana Campground South Park

Updated: Jun 3, 2023

Monday May 15 – Thursday May 18, 2023

Photo by Bonnie Gabriel


The Roving Wolverines Club 2023 Spring Rally was held at the Shipshewana South Park Campground in Shipshewana, IN, May 15 to May 18, hosted by Phyllis & Steve Thornburg and co-hosted by Greg and Marian Oswalt.

Fourteen coaches were in attendance – three of which were First Time Campers with the club. The First-Time campers were Larry and Linda Lublin, Ron and Bonnie Gabriel and Sue Leyava. Sue’s sister Kay Swanson attended as a guest.

Monday afternoon, a somewhat complex jigsaw puzzle appeared and many of the rally attendees made contributions over the next two days to assemble the puzzle. As might be expected, the indefatigable Linda Fisher led the group with her efforts to complete the task. Some other major contributors were Suzie & Lee Brink, Phyllis & Steve Thornburg and Chris Dally.

Monday evening after a brief Happy Hour, the group carpooled into Shipshewana to the Blue Gate Restaurant for dinner. Part of the group chose to go through the buffet line and part of the group chose the family style or the menu dinners. All were well fed and enjoyed their dinner. After dinner several of the attendees played BUNCO before retiring for the night.

Tuesday began with a sumptuous breakfast spread headlined by delicious sweet rolls and pastries from the Blue Gate bakery (provided thanks to Gay Rapin). Also, wonderful sweet breads were provided by Phyllis and Marian along with an array of fruits, yogurts and bagels. Tuesday was also a big day for the flea market.

Tuesday afternoon several ladies knitted caps for premature babies as a charity project. The caps will be donated to a local hospital. Two ladies painted rocks.

Tuesday dinner was simply “hearty snacks”, followed by a fun round of Card Bingo with lots of prizes for the winners. After the Card Bingo we attempted a campfire but our wood was a little wet so a lot of smoke initially and a cool wind kept the crowd quite small.

Wednesday was a beautiful morning and breakfast was biscuits and sausage gravy accompanied by pastries, yogurts, and fruits. Wednesday was another Flea Market day and free time to enjoy the Amish area. Again, a happy hour was followed by a dinner of Walking Tacos with a pot luck of salads and desserts. The Business Meeting led by President Lee Brink followed. One club member attended the meeting via a ZOOM connection. After the meeting we again attempted a campfire. The weather was warmer, the wood was dryer and the group of attendees was bigger – a SUCCESS this time.

Thursday morning was a little anticlimactic as closing days usually are. Breakfast was still quite a spread, made up mostly of leftovers from the previous meals. A couple of coaches left before breakfast and some folks were off early for their daily adventures.

It was another great rally with a lot of great folks.

Author: Steve Thornburg


Happy Hour

Photos by Bonnie Gabriel


Photos by Steve Thornburg


Greg Oswalt....King of the Clean-up Committee at the Roving Wolverine Rally in Shipshewana!

Photos by Phyllis Thornburg

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